Sunday, April 30, 2006

A Great Thought Experiment

This post is merely a concise excerpt from the documentary that I saw sometime back. The film of about a quarter less than 2 hours, was phenomenal.

There have been attempts to relate the ultimate questions(some of them I have already posted in the last entry) by relating it to Quantum Physics. In words of A, “Quantum Physics, very succinctly speaking, is a physics of possibilities!” So essentially applying the same principle to our daily lives, there exist infinite possibilities. Everyone has the potential of living many different lives, but what comes out is a choice of our own. We drive our own world by choosing one of the possibilities, asserting the fact that it is -you- who needs to make the effort to stir world around you. So, is it so easy? Why don’t we just choose the possibility that our conscience tells us to do. That’s because modern materialism and to some extent religion strips people of the need to feel responsible.

Why,then, do we keep recreating the same reality? Why do we keep following the same relationships? Same jobs? In this infinite sea of potentials that exist around us, how come we always follow the same old pattern? If options exist, why are we unaware of them?

It is because the way our brain is wired up is that we only see what’s possible. We match patterns that already exist. We are living in a world where we see only the tip of the iceberg…the tip of the immense quantum iceberg. One needs to keep oneself open to absorb more patterns that help you evolve.

One aspect that I was particularly impressed with was the question “What is reality?”. In words of B, author of … “Scientific experiments have shown that if we take a person and hook his brain to certain scan. Now when this person is made to watch a certain object, certain areas in the brain light up. Then if you ask them to close his eyes n imagine the same object, the same areas in the brain light up.” This leads philosophers to take a step back and pose a question “Which one of the two is real? Who sees then? Brain or eyes?”

Also there exists a possibility that the brain sees only a part of what’s going on around us. Is there a possibility that our eyes see more than the ability of our brain to consciously project? Whatever the answer, so you realise how big its gonna be? This will hit science at the very fundamental base, becasue for all the theories, all the experiments, it is we who are the observers.

Apart from the above, it left me pondering about more…

What are thoughts made of?
What is conscience? Who drives your conscience?

Overwhelmed? I was too! But in words of C-

“The real trick to life is not be in the known, but be in the mystery.”

PS: Most of it is an excerpt from the documentary. Due credits to the great thinkers:-) I will update the post with the names of the A,B,C and the name of the book soon.

Saturday, April 15, 2006


...Do you believe in life/existence after death?...
...How can you explain the origin of life on earth?...
...What is your purpose of life on earth?...
...Who are you?...
...Do you believe that what you are seeing is real?...
...How do you define reality?...
...Do you believe in sixth sense, far beyond the scope of five normal senses?...
...intuitive dreams...
...divine conspiracies? divine interventions? :)...

The list is long but the common aspect is that we have no answers for any yet. I am often convinced by self that there are definitely some mystical, abstract, and inexplicable existences around life on earth; the synapse of which with life is hidden. This profound unexplored synapse is what that will explain the origin of life, the existence of life, the purpose of life, definition of reality...and many unrelated theories around.

This unknown synapse may be -completely- comprehensible by a powerful mind. The mystical synapse will distinctively emerge on footsteps of science and hence may be rational. Or a possibility holds that it is completely orthogonal to science. (I am not sure if we are ready to accept the latter !! )